Here’s How To Choose The Best 2023 Wedding Dessert

Here’s How To Choose The Best 2023 Wedding Dessert: A blog about choosing the best vendor for weddings.


One of the most important parts of your wedding reception is dessert. It’s one of those things that can make or break a wedding, because if someone doesn’t like their cake or isn’t crazy about the cake topper, it could ruin their entire experience at your reception. That’s why we’ve put together this list of the best desserts for weddings in 2023! From cupcakes to brownies, there’s something here for everyone.

The Cupcake

Cupcakes are a great option for weddings because they’re easy to eat and easy to serve. They can be decorated in a variety of ways, making them personal to the bride and groom. Cupcakes can also be made with a variety of ingredients, which is perfect for dietary restrictions or allergies.

For example: gluten-free cupcakes are popular among those who have celiac disease or who simply prefer not to consume gluten products. Vegan cupcakes are also very popular at weddings because they don’t contain any animal products like eggs or butter that some people may be allergic to (vegans). Finally, those who follow special diets such as paleo dieting often choose vegan/gluten-free options over traditional cakes due their healthier ingredients like coconut oil instead of butter or almond flour instead of wheat flour – all while still tasting amazing!

The Apple Pie

The apple pie is a classic dessert that’s been around for centuries. It has gone through many changes over the years, but it’s still as popular as ever. There are many different ways to make an apple pie and even more variations on how to serve it, but here are some tips for choosing the best one:

  • The first thing you need to look at when choosing your perfect apple pie is the crust. A good crust should be flaky and buttery without being crumbly or dry; if you have dry bits of dough in your mouth when you take a bite, then the crust isn’t done properly! In addition, it should have enough salt added so that all flavors come out evenly throughout every bite (if not enough salt has been added). If there’s any chance your tastes lean toward savory foods instead of sweet ones, try adding some chopped rosemary into this mixture before rolling out these thin pieces into sheets large enough cut roughly 3″ x 5″. You can also experiment with other herbs like thyme or sage; however these flavors may overpower certain types of apples better than others so keep in mind whether they’ll complement each other well before creating something new!

The Rainbow Cake

The rainbow cake is a fun way to get everyone involved in your wedding. You can make it yourself, or you can buy one from a bakery. You can choose the colors of the rainbow cake and the flavors!

If you’re going to make your own rainbow cake, here are some tips:

  • Decide on how many tiers you want your rainbow cake to have (usually between three and seven).
  • Choose colors that match your wedding theme. For example, if you’re getting married at night, then red wouldn’t work as well as purples or blues might since they’d be difficult to see in low lighting conditions like street lights or candlelight dinners during sunset hours like 6 PM – 9 PM depending on where exactly it takes place during summertime (when most people get married). If this applies then maybe consider upping those numbers instead because those colors would look great together in any light condition!

The Ice Cream Sundae

When you’re thinking about what ice cream sundae to get for your wedding dessert, there are a few things to consider:

  • The ice cream. What flavor do you want? Make sure it’s one that everyone will like!
  • The toppings. Don’t be afraid to have fun with this part; some of the best sundaes are made with unexpected ingredients like cookie dough or marshmallows. Just make sure that they’re all in season, so they don’t melt before people can eat them.
  • The sauce. Think about whether or not you’d like something sweet on top of your sundae (I recommend chocolate) or if you’d prefer things kept simple without any type of extra sweetness added in at all (in which case caramel would make sense). Some sauces go better than others depending on what kind of flavor profile is already present within each component item (e.g., if it’s minty then maybe skip out on adding whipped cream). Whatever option works best will depend heavily on personal preference—just remember: less sugar means less calories!

The Brownies

Brownies are an iconic choice for wedding desserts. The classic chocolate dessert is loved by many, and it is perfect to serve at weddings because of the variety of recipes that can be used. Some brownie recipes are fudgy and moist, while others are more cake-like in texture. Whatever type you choose, make sure it has a good flavor profile with lots of chocolatey goodness!

The Dessert Bar

A dessert bar is a beautiful, ornate table that’s set up by your wedding venue and stocked with all of the sweets you could possibly imagine. It’s a great way to end any celebration, but it’s important to make sure your guests know what they need to do before they get there.

If you want to make sure guests understand how things work at a dessert bar:

  • Tell them what kind of food is served there. You don’t want one person getting something sweet when someone else wants something salty or spicy—it will be awkward!
  • Give them an idea of how much time it takes for everything in their stomach (and brain) to finish digesting before they can eat again. This might take hours or days depending on who you are and what kinds of foods you ate earlier on in your day/night/year/life cycle…

Choosing the right sweets for your wedding can take some thought, but when it’s all said and done, your guests will be happy with anything that tastes good.

Choosing the right sweets for your wedding can take some thought, but when it’s all said and done, your guests will be happy with anything that tastes good. That said, there are a few things to keep in mind when choosing your desserts:

  • Choose something that is unique and memorable
  • Choose something that is easy to eat
  • Choose something that is easy to transport
  • Choose something that is easy to store
  • Choose something that is easy to clean up


When you’re planning a wedding, it’s always nice to have some options. You don’t want just one flavor of cake or ice cream when there are so many delicious ones out there. When it comes down to choosing which one is best for you and your guests though, the decision will often come down to personal taste (and budget).

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