How to make buttermilk at home

How to make buttermilk at home
There are many things you can do with buttermilk, and while it’s not hard to find a bottle at the store, it’s also easy to make your own. The most common way is to add vinegar to milk and let it sit for a few minutes before using. However, there are other ways to get buttermilk by mixing other ingredients with milk or yogurt (or both!).
Milk + vinegar
Add one cup of milk to a glass jar or bowl and stir in one tablespoon of vinegar. Let this sit for five minutes, then strain through a fine mesh strainer into another container (you can use the same glass jar that you used for the first step). Add salt, if using, and you’re done!
You can also make buttermilk by adding lemon juice to regular milk instead of vinegar—just remember that when you add it, it will curdle immediately.
Milk + lemon juice
You can make your own buttermilk by combining milk and lemon juice. The acid in the juice reacts with the protein in the milk, causing it to separate into curds and whey.
Buttermilk has a slightly sour taste that makes it perfect for baking recipes like pancakes or scones. It also adds moisture to baked goods, so it’s good for making quick breads, muffins and cakes.
You can store buttermilk in the refrigerator for up to two weeks; just be sure to leave at least an inch of space at the top of your container so there’s room for expansion as it separates from being chilled.
Milk + cream of tartar
Cream of tartar is a byproduct of wine production. It’s also used as an ingredient in baking to make cookies crispier, and in cooking to thicken sauces.
To make buttermilk at home, add 1 tablespoon of white vinegar or cream of tartar per cup of milk (so if you’re using 2 cups, add 2 tablespoons). Stir the mixture together with a spoon and let it sit for 5 minutes before using as normal.
Yogurt + water
Yogurt is a good substitute for buttermilk in many recipes. It can be used in place of buttermilk in most recipes, and it’s an easy way to add some extra flavor to your baked goods.
You can use plain yogurt, or you can add fruit or honey to enhance the taste of your breads and pastries—you’re only limited by your imagination! Yogurt that has been made with herbs and spices may not work as well as plain yogurt in baking recipes; however, yogurt does give baked goods more moisture than other non-dairy milks do because of its high water content.
If you don’t have time to make your own homemade buttermilk at home (or if you don’t want to), buying it from the store is another option—just be sure that whatever brand you buy has live cultures in it so they’ll help leaven your dough when cooking!
Sour cream + milk or cream
To make buttermilk using sour cream and milk or cream, you’ll need:
- 1 part sour cream to 2 parts milk or cream (for example, 1 cup of sour cream to 2 cups of whole milk)
- A bowl and a whisk or spoon for mixing.
- Pour the dairy into the bowl with your sour cream and whisk until thoroughly blended. Let it sit at room temperature for 24 hours to become thickened and tangy as though you had added vinegar — but without having to use vinegar! After 24 hours, stir before using in any recipe that calls for buttermilk.
You can easily make your own buttermilk at home, and it’s a great substitute for milk. Buttermilk is low in fat and has a natural tartness that makes it a perfect base for salad dressing or sauces like Hollandaise sauce. Plus, it’s easy to find in the grocery store—you just need some buttermilk powder (which you can buy online).
Buttermilk is also rich in calcium and protein, two nutrients that are essential for healthy bones and muscles. So as long as you don’t overdo it when drinking your homemade beverage, you’ll be getting all the health benefits of drinking this unique liquid without having to travel all the way to Kentucky.
In short, you can make buttermilk by adding vinegar, lemon juice, cream of tartar or yogurt to milk. You can also make it by mixing sour cream with water or cream. The main takeaway here is that the process is simple and easy to do yourself at home!