Boxed Brownies Recipe: A kid friendly blog about boxed brownie recipe.


I’m a big fan of boxed brownies. They’re easy and quick to make, plus you don’t have to worry about over-mixing or under-baking. While I do like making my own from scratch, sometimes it’s just not worth the effort or time.

Boxed Brownies Recipe: A kid friendly blog about boxed brownie recipe.

Brownies are one of the most popular desserts. Boxed brownie mixes can be found in nearly every store, but they’re not always healthy and they don’t taste as good as homemade brownies!

Here’s how you can make your own boxed brownie recipe at home:

  • Get a box of brownie mix (you can find them in the baking aisle).
  • Add your own ingredients to the mix such as nuts or chocolate chips. The sky’s the limit when it comes to customizing boxed brownies!

Main ingredient is brownie mix.

The main ingredient of this recipe is boxed brownie mix. You can use any boxed brownie mix you like, but be sure to follow the instructions on the box! This recipe adds nuts and chocolate chips—an optional ingredient.

Add your own ingredients to the mix.

  • Add some chopped nuts and chocolate chips to the mix.
  • Add cream cheese to make it creamy and delicious.
  • Add peanut butter for a little bit more flavor!


  • Optional ingredients are nuts and chocolate chips.
  • If you like to add nuts, you can use walnuts, pecans or almonds. A mixture of different types of nuts is great too!
  • Chocolate chips can be substituted with any type of semi-sweet chocolate bar (chopped into small pieces)

Optional ingredients are nuts and chocolate chips.

  • You can add nuts and chocolate chips to this brownie mix, just like the ones you buy at the store.
  • If you do want to add them, stir them into the batter after it has been mixed together.


  • Choose your favorite boxed brownie mix and add the ingredients as directed by the instructions on the box.
  • Once you’ve added all of your ingredients, stir well until it’s mixed together nicely.
  • Sprinkle nuts or chocolate chips on top before baking if you’d like to!
  • Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean with no crumbs on it when inserted into the center of your cake pan


There you have it, the boxed brownie recipe that every kid will love! You can use any mix and add any ingredients to make your own personalized version. I hope this helps you make some amazing treats for your family or friends.